Eric Clapton
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Posłuchaj "Old Sock" już dziś
7.03.2013Zapraszamy do przesłuchania i komentowania. Jakie są Wasze opinie na temat albumu?
Nowy album - 'Old Sock' - 12 marca 2013
29.01.201312 marca 2013 roku wydany zostanie 21 solowy studyjny album Erica Claptona. Album zawierać będzie 12 utworów...
Płyta 12.12.12. - Sandy Relief
31.12.201222 stycznia w sklepach ukaże się dwupłytowe wydanie koncertu 12.12.12 - Sandy Relief . W późniejszym...
One Jump Ahead Of The Storm
Lightning's flashing all around me,
Thunder's rolling up behind.
Big blue clouds are going to roll in
Full of tears and make me blind.
I can't let her memory catch me.
I can't stop to cry no more.
I'm just running down the highway,
One jump ahead of the storm.
One jump ahead of her crying,
One jump ahead of her cold cheating arm.
One jump ahead of her lying,
One jump ahead of the storm.
One day I looked on the horizon,
Saw her love just couldn't last.
Oh, my mind was torn to pieces.
I had to leave and get out fast.
And so I slipped out of her power.
I saw my chance and I was gone
Before the rain could start to falling.
One jump ahead of the storm.
I was one jump ahead of the storm.
Just one jump ahead of the storm.
I was one jump ahead of the storm.
Just one jump ahead of the storm.
I was one jump ahead of the storm.
Just one jump ahead of the storm.
I was one jump ahead of the storm.
Just one jump ahead of the storm.