Eric Clapton
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Posłuchaj "Old Sock" już dziś
7.03.2013Zapraszamy do przesłuchania i komentowania. Jakie są Wasze opinie na temat albumu?
Nowy album - 'Old Sock' - 12 marca 2013
29.01.201312 marca 2013 roku wydany zostanie 21 solowy studyjny album Erica Claptona. Album zawierać będzie 12 utworów...
Płyta 12.12.12. - Sandy Relief
31.12.201222 stycznia w sklepach ukaże się dwupłytowe wydanie koncertu 12.12.12 - Sandy Relief . W późniejszym...
Sick And Tired
I'm gonna buy me a parrot, baby,
And teach him how to call my name.
I'm gonna buy me a parrot, baby,
And teach him how to call my name.
Then I won't have to miss you baby
And I won't have you driving me insane.
I was in love with you, baby,
Till the day you brought me down so low.
I was in love with you, baby,
Till the day you brought me down so low.
You had me walking 'round in circles, baby;
I didn't know which way to go.
Oh, I'm so sick and tired baby,
I'm sick and tired of the way you carry on.
Lord, I'm sick and tired, baby,
Sick and tired of the way you carry on.
You can pack up all of your things, baby;
Hit the road, get out of here, be gone.
Now I'm gonna get me a shotgun, baby,
Keep it stashed behind the door.
I'm gonna get me a shotgun, baby,
Keep it stashed behind the bedroom door.
I may have to blow your brains out, baby,
Then you won't bother me no more.