Eric Clapton
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Posłuchaj "Old Sock" już dziś
7.03.2013Zapraszamy do przesłuchania i komentowania. Jakie są Wasze opinie na temat albumu?
Nowy album - 'Old Sock' - 12 marca 2013
29.01.201312 marca 2013 roku wydany zostanie 21 solowy studyjny album Erica Claptona. Album zawierać będzie 12 utworów...
Płyta 12.12.12. - Sandy Relief
31.12.201222 stycznia w sklepach ukaże się dwupłytowe wydanie koncertu 12.12.12 - Sandy Relief . W późniejszym...
Tell The Truth
There you sit there, looking so cool
While the whole show is passing you by.
You better come to terms with your fellow men soon, cause...
The whole world is shaking now. Can't you feel it?
A new dawn is breaking now. Can't you see it?
It doesn't matter just who you are,
Or where you're going or been.
Open your eyes and look into your heart.
The whole world is shaking now. Can't you feel it?
A new dawn is breaking now. Can't you see it?
I said see it, yeah, can't you see it?
Can't you see it, yeah, can't you see it?
I can see it, yeah.
Hear what I say, 'cause every word is true.
You know I wouldn't tell you no lies.
Your time's coming, gonna be soon, boy.
Repeat Second Bridge
Repeat Second Bridge