Eric Clapton
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Dziś nie odbywa się żaden koncert Erica Claptona.
Posłuchaj "Old Sock" już dziś
7.03.2013Zapraszamy do przesłuchania i komentowania. Jakie są Wasze opinie na temat albumu?
Nowy album - 'Old Sock' - 12 marca 2013
29.01.201312 marca 2013 roku wydany zostanie 21 solowy studyjny album Erica Claptona. Album zawierać będzie 12 utworów...
Płyta 12.12.12. - Sandy Relief
31.12.201222 stycznia w sklepach ukaże się dwupłytowe wydanie koncertu 12.12.12 - Sandy Relief . W późniejszym...
I walked all night long
With my 32-20 in my hand.
I walked all night long
With my 32-20 in my hand.
Looking for my woman,
Well, I found her with another man.
When I found that woman,
They were walking hand in hand.
When I found that woman,
They were walking hand in hand.
Well, it did surprise me
When I found her with another man.
She started screaming murder
And I had never raised my hand.
She started screaming murder
And I had never raised my hand.
Well, she knew that I had them covered,
I had the stuff right there in my hand.
I ain't no bully,
I don't go with the baddest man in town.
I ain't no bully,
I don't go with the baddest man in town.
When I catch a man with my woman,
I usually tear his playhouse down.