Eric Clapton
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Dziś nie odbywa się żaden koncert Erica Claptona.
Posłuchaj "Old Sock" już dziś
7.03.2013Zapraszamy do przesłuchania i komentowania. Jakie są Wasze opinie na temat albumu?
Nowy album - 'Old Sock' - 12 marca 2013
29.01.201312 marca 2013 roku wydany zostanie 21 solowy studyjny album Erica Claptona. Album zawierać będzie 12 utworów...
Płyta 12.12.12. - Sandy Relief
31.12.201222 stycznia w sklepach ukaże się dwupłytowe wydanie koncertu 12.12.12 - Sandy Relief . W późniejszym...
Crazy Country Hop
Way down in a country town one day
A little ole' country band began to play.
They had two guitars and a beat-up saxophone;
When the leader said go them cats began to blow.
Ooh wee oh oh,
Ooh la la, let's rock and roll.
Now all the poeple gathered 'round
Just to dig that rockin' rollin' sound.
Suddenly the drummer rang a bell
And all them country cats began to yell.
Ole' MacDonald did a crazy bop
Said it's time to milk my cow, I got to stop,
But just before I cool it and cut out
Here's something all you cats can think about.
Snaggle-toothed Malinda was a drag,
She latched onto a dude who showed up stag.
He tried to run and then he tripped and fell;
She kissed him and we all could hear him yell.
Well, a hound dog ran a polecat into town,
Brought him to the dance and laid him down.
Someone hollered skunk and you can bet
All them country cats is runnin' yet.